Geoscientist 19.9 September 2009
Caribbean Plate understanding is hampered by geology spread over many geographic elements, absence of ocean fracture patterns, magnetic anomalies and recognized spreading ridges (except the Cayman Trough centre) and by presumed oceanic origins – the Pacific paradigm. Unquestioning acceptance of this creates two problems: 1) many projects are premised (and funded) upon it, 2) all data are interpreted in an oceanic context. There is strong resistance to alternative models that could provide important possibilities for new resource exploration and improved seismic risk control.
Geologic Setting
The Caribbean Plate forms part of Middle America where four marine areas, the Gulf of Mexico, the Yucatán Basin, the Cayman Trough and the Caribbean Sea (Colombian and Venezuelan basins), large continental blocks (Maya and Chortis) and many islands are dispersed between North and South America (Figure 1).
The Pacific Origin Paradigm (POP)
The Caribbean Plate was originally thought to have formed in place but in 1966, Wilson suggested that the Caribbean and Scotia plates were tongues of lithosphere intruding between North and South America, South America and Antarctica, like inter fingering ice sheets1. The Pacific origin of the Caribbean Plate has since become paradigm 2,3,4 (Fig. 2).
The POP model holds that the Plate formed in the Pacific during the Jurassic, thickened into an oceanic plateau in the Cretaceous above a mantle plume/hotspot or above a "slab gap" in subducting "proto-Caribbean" crust and moved between the Americas. It collided with west-facing volcanic arc, blocking subduction and reversing polarity. The arc collided with Yucatán and Colombia, subducting continent to 70 – 80 km and HP/LT metamorphism. Volcanic activity ceased during Eocene to Oligocene oblique and diachronous arc collision with the Florida-Bahamas platform and northern South America. HP/LT rocks resurfaced in Cuba and along northern Venezuela. Slab roll-back in two different directions opened the Yucatán Basin south of Cuba. These elements joined North America as the plate boundary transferred to the Cayman Trough, where spreading accompanied 1100 km of eastward plate movement. Cenozoic Grenada Basin inter- or back-arc spreading separated the Aves Ridge from the Lesser Antilles, the active remains of the arc. Chorotega and Chocó are seen to be intra-oceanic volcanic arcs with accreted oceanic rocks on the trailing edge of the Caribbean Plate.
This model regards the Caribbean Plate as comprising mainly oceanic crust surrounded by volcanic arc rocks. It requires subduction of large areas of the plate below South America and rotation of the large continental blocks of Maya (135° counter clockwise or 100° clockwise) and Chortis (180 counter clockwise or 80° clockwise).
An in situ “antiparadigm”
The in-situ model 5-8 suggests that Caribbean Plate formed in place between the diverging Americas, just as the remarkably similar Scotia Plate is known to have formed by spreading and dispersal of continental fragments between South America and Antarctica 9.
Diverse geological data show that geology between North and South America shows regional harmony and a shared history among the many geographic components. Regional tectonic fabric (Fig. 3) reflects reactivation of ancient lineaments and shows that no major block rotations occurred. Crustal thicknesses up to 45 km, gravity data and high silica content of igneous rocks indicate that continental fragments lie beneath the whole of Central America 10 and the Greater and Lesser Antilles. Seismic data (Fig. 4) suggest that they underpin the thick "plateau" of the Venezuelan Basin 11 and parts of the Colombian, Yucatán and Grenada basins. Salt diapirs are present.
Plate history involved Late Triassic formation of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, Triassic-Jurassic rifting, Jurassic – early Cenozoic extension and Oligocene – Recent strike-slip. The geology continues that of the eastern seaboard of North America but in a more extensional setting that promoted volcanism, foundering, eastward plate growth by backarc spreading and distribution of continental fragments on the plate interior and margins.
Subsidence of proximal areas (Bahamas and Yucatán-Campeche platforms, Nicaragua Rise) accommodated kilometres-thick carbonate sections. Horsts of continental crust flanked by wedges of Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments, flows and salt formed in more distal areas along the eastern margin of North America and within Middle America (Yucatán, Colombian and Venezuelan thick crust). Shallow/subaerial flows of smooth seismic Horizon B" capped thick crust in the late Cretaceous. Extreme extension serpentinized upper mantle, forming rough Horizon B" (thin Caribbean crust).